Saturday, October 11th, 2014 •
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Kicking off the media tour for THE AGE OF LOVE’s Rochester Premiere, director Steven Loring spoke with Rachel Barnhart on WHAM1180 this week.
A comedically poignant look at how our hearts evolve as we grow older, the documentary follows the adventures of a group of pioneering seniors who sign up for a speed dating event exclusively for 70- to 90-year-olds. Spurred to take stock of aging bodies and still-hopeful hearts, they soon discover how dreams and desires change—or don’t change—from first love to the far reaches of life.
A screenwriter and Brighton native, Loring shot his first documentary feature in locations all around the city, and the speed daters are all local residents.
THE AGE OF LOVE will have two screenings at The Little Theatre on Saturday, October 18 at 2:00 and 6:30 p.m. A panel discussion on dating after 60 and a Q&A with the director will follow the screenings.
Reserve tickets now at
Sunday, September 21st, 2014 •
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IMPORTANT UPDATE #2! BOTH SCREENINGS FOR TODAY, OCTOBER 18, ARE NOW SOLD OUT. If you have comps or reserved tickets waiting at the box office, we’ll see you there. Otherwise, please watch for our next screenings in Rochester coming up near Valentine’s Day. Thank you for all the great Rochester support!
BACK HOME IN THE CITY where the project was born, we’re thrilled to announce two long-awaited, premiere screenings of THE AGE OF LOVE at the Little Theatre on October 18, 2014.
Supported by numerous area organizations — led by St. John’s, Lifespan and MVP Healthcare — events will include a post-screening panel discussion on the hearts and desires of seniors, a cast, crew and sponsor reception and (soon to be announced) a senior speed dating event.
Both screenings are open to the public, and online ticketing is now LIVE. Here’s the SCHEDULE, with more info below:
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Saturday, September 20th, 2014 •
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By Brenda Lind, AARP Community Engagement Specialist

YOU MAY THINK THAT FINDING LOVE IN LIFE should be left mainly to the younger set, but, after seeing “The Age of Love,” the documentary, you will change your mind. In the words of the film’s director, Steven Loring, “After seeing this movie, you will never look at your parents or grandparents the same way again. And that’s a good thing.” Continue reading
Friday, September 12th, 2014 •
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Thursday, September 11th, 2014 •
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WHAT FILMMAKER DOESN’T HOPE TO SCREEN in one of America’s elegant, original Bijous?
On Wednesday, September 10, THE AGE OF LOVE came to the historic Bijou Theatre in Bridgeport, CT — a 1909 vaudeville stop where Tom Mix opened in ‘Pride of the Range’ — for one free, pilot screening, complete with cocktails and sponsored by the amazing team at CT AARP.
Before ticketing was halted, 240 reservations were requested, selling out the 202-seat house.
From our interview on the ‘Connecticut Style’ morning show on WTNH (ABC) in New Haven to an intense nighttime Q&A — both with AARP’s exuberant Dating and Relationship Ambassador Dr. Pepper Schwartz — it was an awesome screening day and chance to share our themes with a packed house.
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Friday, August 22nd, 2014 •
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WE’RE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT both the Danish Broadcasting Corporation and Swedish Educational Broadcasting have licensed THE AGE OF LOVE for television airing in their respective countries.
It’s interesting to note that Sweden recently took the #1 spot as ‘the best country in the world to grow old’ in the 2013 Global AgeWatch rankings of world support for older populations. Sweden took top honors in all four categories, including the creation of an Enabling Environment allowing older adults “to live independent and self-reliant lives.” Overall, Nordic countries did best, with Norway and Iceland also in the top 10. Denmark was #17, the USA was at #8. At the bottom was Afghanistan, with an overall score of 3.3 out of 100. Check out this fascinating report.
And, if you’d like to raise your country’s ranking by broadcasting THE AGE OF LOVE, please contact our worldwide sales agent, Films Transit. Festivals and educational groups may contact us directly.
And, if you live in Scandinavia, watch your local listings!
Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 •
by Linda Abbit, SENIOR PLANET
FILMMAKER STEVEN LORING WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED to love as we age. For answers, he followed a group of speed daters in their 70s and 80s. The result is a powerful film about resilience and universality.
“I’m trying to get the stories that aren’t told and the feelings that aren’t exposed. Would you be open to being interviewed?”
The “I” is Steven Loring, a 40-something-year-old fledgling filmmaker who is making his first full-length documentary film. The “You” is a succession of seniors in the Rochester area whom Loring is contacting in the hope they will become subjects in his film. They’ve all signed up for a senior speed dating event that Loring has picked as the locus for his exploration of love and how it changes – or doesn’t – as we age. Read more…
Monday, May 12th, 2014 •
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WHAT A CONCEPT: Speed dating for 70- to 90-year-old singles! “The Age of Love” held its Southern California premiere at the 2014 Newport Beach Film Festival, and is a fun, entertaining and sensitive social documentary of our times.
The film allows a peek inside the journey of a small group of adventurous seniors in Rochester, NY who enroll in a first-of-its-kind speed dating event.
“The great secret old people share is that your body changes, but you don’t change at all” – this quote by Doris Lessing, the oldest writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, is an ideal backdrop message for this insightful documentary story.
(Listen to GRAND Magazine’s interview with the director:)
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Thursday, May 8th, 2014 •
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A special screening of THE AGE OF LOVE was an audience favorite at Documentary Day of AARP’s Life@50+ National Expo at the Boston Convention Center.
Love and relationship guru Pepper Schwartz was on hand to introduce the film to guests in the 1700-seat theater, as well as to participate in a lively Q&A. We asked the audience whether “American media portray older adults’ emotions accurately” – the results:
Strongly Disagree: 20%
Disagree: 32%
Neutral: 23%
Agree: 10%
Strongly Agree: 15%
So three-quarters felt the older heart is misrepresented by our popular media. We’ll sort results by age and see if opinions change as we get older. Stay tuned…

Thursday, May 1st, 2014 •
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With three amazing screenings followed by three gala parties, THE AGE OF LOVE celebrated its official festival premiere at the 2014 Newport Beach Film Festival. From the moment we arrived on the red carpet, the hospitality couldn’t have been warmer (or the Pacific surf more refreshing!). Most rewarding, reps from over a dozen organizations from Laguna Woods down south all the way north past LA approached us to plan screenings and dating events over the coming year. So we’re on our way…